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- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // guys_on_tank.scr
- //
- // Use this script to make your tank have passengers...
- //
- // (NOTE: not used yet.)
- //
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- main:
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- end
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- LoadPassengers local.passengers local.guy_type local.special local.passenger_name local.driver_name:
- //
- // global/guys_on_tank.scr::LoadPassengers
- //
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( local.passengers <= 0 )
- end
- if ( local.passengers > 5 )
- local.passengers = 5
- self.passenger_count = local.passengers
- self thread TankDeathCheck
- for (local.slot = 1; local.slot <= local.passengers; local.slot++)
- {
- if (local.guy_type == NIL)
- local.guy_type = "models/human/german_panzer_obershutze"
- if (randomint (3) == 1)
- local.gun = "MP40"
- else
- local.gun = "Mauser KAR 98K"
- if ( (local.special == "panzer") && (local.slot == 1) )
- local.gun = "panzerschrek"
- local.guy = spawn local.guy_type "gun" local.gun
- local.guy.origin = self.origin
- local.guy rendereffects "-shadow"
- self.passenger[local.slot] = local.guy
- if ( local.passenger_name!=NIL )
- local.guy.targetname = local.passenger_name
- if (level.dontdropweapons == 1)
- local.guy dontdropweapons
- self AttachPassengerSlot local.slot local.guy
- // local.name = "passenger" + local.slot
- // local.guy attach self local.name 0 ( 0 0 0 )
- local.guy type_attack "cover"
- local.guy leash 0
- local.guy exec global/disable_ai.scr
- local.guy fixedleash 1
- local.guy physics_off
- local.guy.my_tank = self
- local.guy.loaded = 1
- switch (local.slot)
- {
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 5:
- local.guy exec global/setdeathanim.scr "31G302_Death"
- local.guy thread BeTankGuy 31G301_German03Idle 31G503_JumpOff
- break
- case 3:
- case 4:
- default:
- local.guy exec global/setdeathanim.scr "31G202_Death"
- local.guy thread BeTankGuy 31G201_German02Idle 31G501_JumpOff
- break
- }
- }
- end
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BeTankGuy local.idle_anim local.jump_anim:
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- self.jump_anim = local.jump_anim
- self thread StopTankOnDeath
- self thread StopTankOnPain
- // loop our sitting/idle animation...
- self thread global/LoopAnim.Scr::LoopAnim local.idle_anim
- end
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- StopTankOnDeath:
- //
- // If driver gets shot, we should stop the Tank...
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- self waittill death
- if ( isalive self.my_tank )
- {
- self.my_tank.playerlook = 0
- self.my_tank thread TankStop 1
- }
- End
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- StopTankOnPain:
- //
- // If driver gets shot, we should stop the Tank...
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- self waittill pain
- if ( self.loaded==0 )
- end
- if ( isalive self )
- {
- self damage $world 15000 $world (0 0 0) (0 0 0) (0 0 0) 0 9 0 0
- self.loaded = 0
- }
- if ( isalive self.my_tank )
- {
- self.my_tank.playerlook = 0
- self.my_tank thread TankStop 1
- }
- End
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TankStop local.bStop:
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( self.stopped==1 )
- {
- End
- }
- self.stopped = 1
- if ( local.bStop )
- {
- self stop
- }
- // give time for tank to stop...
- wait 1.5
- self thread UnloadPassengers 1
- End
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- UnloadPassengers local.go_after_player:
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (local.slot = 0; local.slot <= 5; local.slot++)
- {
- self thread tank_passenger_unload local.slot local.go_after_player
- }
- end
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- tank_passenger_unload local.slot local.go_after_player:
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- local.ent = self QueryPassengerSlotEntity local.slot
- if (local.ent == NULL)
- end
- if (isAlive local.ent && local.ent.loaded==1)
- {
- local.ent thread global/LoopAnim.Scr::LoopAnimStop
- local.ent.loaded = 0
- local.ent exec global/disable_ai.scr
- self DetachPassengerSlot local.slot local.ent.origin
- local.tag = ("passenger" + local.slot)
- local.ent.origin = self gettagposition local.tag
- local.ent.angles = self gettagangles local.tag
- local.ent notsolid
- local.ent physics_on
- local.ent anim_noclip local.ent.jump_anim
- local.ent waittill animdone
- local.ent solid
- local.ent rendereffects "+shadow"
- local.ent leash 10000
- local.ent exec global/setdeathanim.scr NIL
- local.ent exec global/enable_ai.scr
- if ( local.go_after_player!=NIL && local.go_after_player==1 )
- {
- local.ent runto $player
- local.ent attackplayer
- }
- }
- end
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DeletePassengers:
- // used by 1-1
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- for (local.slot = 0; local.slot <= self.passenger_count; local.slot++)
- {
- if ( self.passenger[local.slot]!=NIL )
- self.passenger[local.slot] delete
- }
- end
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- TankDeathCheck:
- //
- // if tank dies, kill anyone who hasn't unloaded..
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- self waittill death
- for (local.slot = 0; local.slot <= self.passenger_count; local.slot++)
- {
- if ( self.passenger[local.slot]!=NIL )
- {
- if ( self.passenger[local.slot].loaded==1 )
- self.passenger[local.slot] damage self 9000 self (0 0 0) (0 0 0) (0 0 0) 0 9 0 0
- }
- }
- end